Mazharul M Islam
Universität Bonn, Germany
Dr. Mazharul M Islam has been working as senior research fellow at the Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry of the University of Bonn Germany. He has got the expertise on theoretical modeling using various first principles DFT approaches. His interest of research activities has covered a wide variety of areas such as the ion conductivity in solid state materials having applications in green energy sources, the investigation of photocatalytic activities of TiO2 due to its various industrial applications, the modeling of basic mechanisms of corrosion processes of metallic materials during their applications in construction, power generation etc, and the characterization of mesoporous oxide supported metal oxide catalysts having applications in industries. He was awarded with couple of honors and awards, various funding and huge number of collaborations in his career. He has published 3 scholarly books, 2 scholarly book chapters and 53 articles in peer reviewed journals so far.
Abstract : Ti and Si based anodes for Li ion batteries: Insights from theory