Jin Chul Park
Chung-Ang Université, South Korea
Jin Chul Park is an architectural engineering Professor and has been working in Chung-Ang University since 2004. He had been postdoctoral work from 2001 to 2002 in University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA). In association activities, he is the president of the KGBC (Korea Green Building Council) and the vice president of AIK(Architectural Institute of Korea). Also he has experienced an Editor of JABBE (Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering) from 2010 to 2012. He has been interested in indoor air quality, energy saving in buildings. In his recent research, he is carrying out research to reduce greenhouse gas and save energy and to create indoor environment. He has authored or coauthored 50 fully-refereed technical articles during 10 years.
Abstract : Window ventilation system with artificial intelligence